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One of the greatist artists of all time, Velázquez is regarded as the pinnacle of Siglo de Oro Spanish painting.

His work was crucial in stimulating the development of modern art, especially Realism and Impressionism, after it was rediscovered in the 19th century. The paintings by Raphael, Titian, Tintoretto, Rubens, and Van Dyck that made up the core of Europe's most significant collection of paintings in the first half of the 17th century, and which Velázquez himself assisted in expanding through purchases in Italy, surrounded Velázquez as he pursued his career at the international court of Philip IV. 

Along with the imperial court in Vienna, for which he painted a number of portraits, and the papal palace in Rome, where he was triumphantly received near the end of his life during his second trip to Italy, his works were admired by all three of these courts. Although Velázquez is typically regarded as a Realist master, this monograph tries to explore alternative lines of inquiry by analyzing his complicated relationship with Classicism and the most forward-thinking styles of painting at the time. 

Diego Velázquez – The Complete Paintings

    • 320 pages

    • English
    • Cloth 
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