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Anish Kapoor's architectural ideas and initiatives from the past 40 years are finally collected in this book for the first time. All of Kapoor's artistic endeavors continue to be influenced by these ideas, many of which have been realized in pieces that blur the lines between art and architecture and take architecture into whole uncharted territory.

Through his efforts, Kapoor renegotiates the relationship between art and architecture as well as our internal and outward sense of space. He creates environments with forms that muddle the distinction between inner and outside, subject and object. Monochrome fields of color, reflective surfaces, and infinite spaces all undermine our position in the universe. The more than 2,000 sketches, models, renderings, and blueprints in this book depict the development of these forms and the places they occupy or generate, both externally and internally. 

Anish Kapoor: Make New Space – Architectural Projects

    • 1188 pages
    • English
    • 2106 images
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