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Following a period of fast change, Curating Art Now is a timely meditation on the profession of curating and the function of the art curator. Today, curating holds a key position in the world of art: it is ingrained in the character and area of specialty of the museum and has a growing influence on the commercial art market as well. The discipline of curating today includes a variety of tasks, from maintaining collections to staging big modern biennials. The idea of "curated content" is now used to describe everything from sneakers to vacations in the industries of fashion, music, and leisure. What is the current situation of the curatorial profession given the term's ubiquity and practice's growth? The engaging review by Lilian Cameron explores the recent phenomenon of the artist-as-curator and how it affects the traditional curatorial role, makes predictions about the global super-curator of the future, evaluates the benefits and drawbacks of digital curating and online exhibitions, and explores how curatorial engagement with issues of diversity, accessibility, and decolonization.

Curating Art Now (Hot Topics in the Art World)

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