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One of the most significant figures in American post-war art, Hans Hofmann (1880–1966) was a key player in Abstract Expressionism. This ground-breaking catalogue raisonné of paintings, painstakingly researched over sixteen years, is a celebration of Hofmann's extraordinary aesthetic accomplishments as well as a vital intellectual resource. In 1904, Hofmann began his long and successful career in Paris, where the young artist soaked up the many influences of the city's avant-garde. Hofmann, who was excused from military duty and was drawn back to Germany because of the war, founded a cutting-edge art school in Munich. Due to the school's widespread reputation and the worsening political climate in Germany in the 1930s, Hofmann moved his institution to New York. The city, a hotbed for budding artists, provided the ideal setting for Hofmann to carry on with his teaching career, which he did up until 1958, when he completely turned his attention to painting. Through his creative use of color, materiality, and form throughout his time in America, Hofmann expanded the expressive vocabulary of abstraction. This magnificent three-volume catalogue represents a turning point in the study of Hofmann's enormous contribution to twentieth-century art. It is demonstrated how Hofmann's exceptional body of work frequently defies categorization through perceptive essays, meticulous catalogue entries, and supporting academic apparatus. His was a highly personal visual language with which he endlessly explored pictorial structures and chromatic relationships. This book is a must-have for anyone with a serious interest in one of the most influential and original artists of the twentieth century. It is both aesthetically magnificent and academically sound.

Hans Hofmann: Catalogue Raisonne of Paintings

    • 1272 pages 
    • English 
    • Hardback 
    • Includes 1622 colour and 78 illustrations
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