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This book investigates how sustainability has the potential to revolutionize the fashion sector as well as the innovators who work inside it.

The concept of sustainability may be the defining theme of the twenty-first century. The concerns in fashion are diverse, including labor abuses, the use of harmful chemicals, and conspicuous consumption, creating an undeniable contradiction between fashion and sustainability.

The book is divided into three sections. The first section is concerned with transforming fashion items throughout the garment's lifecycle, which covers material, manufacturing, distribution, usage, and re-use innovation. The second section examines ideas that are fundamentally altering the fashion system into something more sustainable, such as new business structures that limit material throughput. The third segment is focused with changing the function of fashion designers and looks at examples of designers transitioning from stylists or creators to communicators, activists, or facilitators.

Renaissance Art in Venice: From Tradition to Individualism

    • 224 pages
    • 17.78 x 25.08 cm

    • English
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