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Updated: Jan 30, 2023

As the Glance Design team, we will provide you with useful information in this blog on how to choose the right plant for your Scandi-Style home. Strong respect and love for nature is a preferred feature of Scandinavian homes. Its environmental friendliness also shows that it will have a longevity in the design scene. The embrace of Scandinavian interior design with its huge windows opening to nature and the sky and the indoor plants make it successful in this scene.

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Plants can literally help people heal, they increase productivity and reduce the amount of energy that we use. High humidity in your home is just as dangerous as excessively dry air. Mold and fungus growth accelerates, gives the room a stale odor, causes sleep and concentration problems, and also causes respiratory system problems. You don't need to spend a fortune on electronics to reduce the humidity in your home. All you need are some plants that will naturally absorb water from the air.

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Having plants in all parts of your home is amazing, but some places just dont have ideal lighting conditions. Intentionally buying plants that work in the space that you want them to live ensures that you are at least starting on the right path. Obviously, buying a fake plant will not please you. Buying a plant that loves bright direct sunlight and putting it in your dark bathroom is a recipe for murder. You'll add a touch of color with the perfect plant to make your Scandinavian interior proud, but not every houseplant fits the Scandi style. Let us introduce you to five wonderful plants that are an ideal match.


Foliage plants take the prize in Scandinavian design, and the Snake Plant is a famous favorite in that regard. It features stiff, pointed leaves, and can grow between six inches and eight feet tall.

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Sansevieria trifasciata is a common houseplant native to Asia and Africa. It is distinguished by its evergreen sword-shaped leaves, which grow vertically and resemble artificial flora. It is also suitable with the practicality that distinguishes Scandinavian design; it eliminates and cleanses airborne contaminants while also serving as decoration.

In addition to providing some ambiance to the atmosphere in your home, snake plants have a number of health benefits, including:

  • Filter indoor air

  • Remove toxic pollutants

  • Easy to care for

  • Effective against allergies


Snake plants, considered relatively healthy for humans, are toxic to pets. If a pet eats the leaf of the snake plant, it will irritate its mouth and cause digestive problems. Please make sure these plants are out of reach of pets and children.

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Cats are known to gnaw on different grasses and plants they come across. This peculiar behavior is also found in stray cats, house cats, and even wild cats living in the wild. The plant is poisonous to feline creatures like cats if ingested in high amounts. The mildly toxic snake plants are not powerful enough to kill your cat. In most cases, the consequences of eating snake plants are usually limited to stomach upset. The same but a little more intense impacts have also been found in cases of dogs chewing on snake plants. Also, it has a slightly bitter taste. And because of that, most animals do not take a second bite.


Snake plants hold an important place in Chinese feng shui philosophy. It emphasizes the importance of striking a balance between our living spaces and the natural world.

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The snake plant's benefits are related with good luck, according to Vastu. People believe that by using these plants, they can eliminate all negative energy.

Glance Design Tip: You can get the benefits of the eight virtues by keeping this herb in your Scandinavian-style home (longevity, prosperity, intelligence, beauty, art, health and strength).

Many Chinese experts advise putting snake plants in bedrooms where people are fighting or near radiation-emitting electronics. They absorb bad energies and dispel rage and envy.

Sansevieria Laurentii Plant

Sansevierias are by far some of the easiest plants to care for – low maintenance, rarely need water and can handle low light well. On top of this, they are amazing air purifiers. According to NASA, Sansevierias remove toxins from the environment and also give off oxygen during the night (most plants don’t release oxygen at night).

Image Credit: Hortology

Sansevieria Cylindrica Plant

This plant provides smooth, rounded, dark green, lance-like leaves that can grow up to several feet tall. The leaves extend outward to resemble a crown, and if you're lucky, you can bloom. These long creamy-white flowers provide a lovely fragrance found in rooted plants.

Image Credit: Hortology

Birds Nest Snake Plant

The Bird’s Nest is a stylish, low-maintenance, compact snake plant. As usual, it is simple to care for. Because of their small size (6 – 9 inches), you can easily keep them in any bedroom. The leaf cluster resembles a bird’s nest.

Image Credit: Hortology


Twisted Sister Snake Plant

Sansevieria are flowering plants native to Africa, Madagascar and southern Asia, and grown as houseplants in cooler climes. They do well with warmth and bright light, but will also tolerate shade. It is important that they are grown in well-draining compost and not over-watered , or they may rot.

Image Credit: Hortology


Native to the lush American rainforest, the Monstera Plant (also called Monstera Deliciousa) has leaves that are shaped like an oversized heart. Plus, it's so easy to maintain that even if you're a novice gardener, you'll love being around it.Its elegance, in particular, pairs perfectly with the minimalist Scandinavian style. If you're looking for an evergreen climber, Monstera Plant is just what you need!

Image Credit: Hortology

Glance Design Tip: Intense green color, the shape of its leaves... Something whispers to us that Monstera (Monstera deliciosa) is a plant of tropical origin. Already, it comes from jungles of Mexico. Do you dare to cultivate it?

Image Credit: Hortology

Monstera Deliciosa has powerful appeal. It is a plant that will not give you any problems. Also it needs so little to grow happily. If your plant can get plenty of light, the leaves will form distinctive crevices, otherwise be patient!

Glance Design Tip: Monstera can actually bloom, but it does so from the age of three and when outdoors. As an indoor plant, its flowers won't be when it survives.


You should know that it can be quite toxic to both dogs and cats. And if they eat not only leaves, but also stems and roots. The best thing in this case would be to choose another indoor plant.

Image Credit: Hola


Although it likes bright spaces, the light it receives must be indirect, since the sun's rays could burn the leaves. These would turn pale and signs of burns would appear. She places it near a window, but safe from direct radiation.

Image Credit: Hola

Did you know that when the plant is very young, its leaves do not have the holes that characterize it? These occur when the plant grows and becomes an adult specimen.

Glance Design Tips: If there are no holes in the leaves, you may have a feeding problem: lack of light, water or nutrients.


In order for the leaves to take their unique shape, they should not be left dusty and care should not be interrupted. Thus, they will be able to absorb the light and sun they need.

Image Credit: Hola

Glance Design Tip: if the tips of the leaves appear slightly dry, your plant may be lacking in potassium. Choose a fertilizer that contains this nutrient.

In order for the leaves to take their unique shape, they should not be left dusty and should be maintained regularly. Thus, they will be able to absorb the light and sun they need within their body.If you take care of it as it deserves, indoors it can reach three meters in height.

Image Credit: Hola

It is a climbing species, and the stems bend as it develops, therefore you must stake them if you want them to grow straight. It must be transplanted to a larger pot approximately every two years to ensure proper development.


Meet another lovely plant in the blog. Aloe vera! We'll give you advice on how to care for an Aloe Vera plant and how to cultivate this succulent plant both in your house and outdoors.

Image Credit: Hortology

Aloe Vera (also known as medicinal aloe) is a popular herb best known for the healing qualities of the gel it contains. They are quite common and there are hundreds of different types of Aloe Vera.

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Aloe Vera is an effective therapy for skin injuries, scratches, and burns. It contains a gel that is cooling, relaxing, and hydrating. It can even speed up the healing times of wounds and burns.

Image Credit: Pinterest

Aloe Vera will decorate your lovely Scandi interior with quiet grace while doing double duty as a self-regenerating first-aid kit. Minimalism is more than just having less possessions, living in a small place, or following a particular aesthetic. To be honest, having the basic plant Aloe vera in your Scandinavian style home will save you more peace and space.


The clear gel can be used topically to treat a variety of diseases, while the juice can be given to your pet. Avoid utilizing the bitter yellow juice from the leaf's base since it has laxative qualities and is hazardous to pets.

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Many pet owners have discovered that aloe vera is also effective for other skin issues, including as flea bites and allergies. Aloe vera-based dog shampoos can also be quite calming.

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Aloe Vera provides a variety of vitamins and nutrients that serve to boost the immune system and make the animal more resistant to disease. To improve their dog's health, some pet owners add a little bit of aloe vera juice to their dog's diet.


Madagascar dragon tree, also known as Dracaena Marginata It’s a beautiful plant that doesn’t require too much attention to thrive. Dracaena is characterized by its long spiny leaves. You can distinguish them from other plants by having sharper lines. They look like a woody-stemmed palm, but are more forgiving.

Image Credit: Indoor Plant Shop

Dracaena Marginata is another herb that is nearly impossible to kill. Direct sunlight and excessive watering can wear it down. It can stand up to weeks of neglect and still look great, manage for weeks in low light. It is easy to divide and spread.

Image Credit: Almadarat Shop

It removes toxins from the air, such as formaldehyde and benzene. Keep watering to a minimum and allow the soil to dry out between waterings to keep it happy! This plant can remove formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene, found in furniture, fireplace smoke, and common household products

Glance Design Tips: Because of its beautiful tropical appeal, this tall indoor plant is a favorite among interior designers.

Image Credit: Indoor Plant Shop

Glance Design Tip: This plant was also utilized in NASA's well-known Clean Air Study. NASA research has shown that it can eliminate some toxic chemicals from indoor air, such as formaldehyde.


According to Roman mythology, there was once a 100-headed dragon named Ladon. Each head of this dragon had its own unique sound. The Greek goddess Gaia delivered three golden apples to her daughter Juno on her wedding day. The 100-headed dragon Ladon was tasked with guarding these apples in the garden. Hercules, on the other hand, decided to steal the golden apples and killed the 100-headed Ladon. When the dragon's blood was spilled, a tree turned green. This tree that bloomed was the first dragon plant on earth. Like a wounded monster, the Dracaena Draco variation pours scarlet blood drip and resin. Red sap is not produced by the Marginata variety.


Though unlikely to be harmful, the sap on the leaves and stems contains trace amounts of toxicants that can irritate humans and dogs if ingested.

Image Credit: Peyzax

Some common pets, such as cats and dogs, are toxic to Dracaena plants, producing varied degrees of disease. Dracaena is fatal to horses. If taken in significant quantities, these plants might cause gastrointestinal distress in rabbits. They are non-toxic to birds and reptiles, as well as people.

Glance Design Tip: For additional information on any plant and flower you might be mulling over to welcome your house, remember to look for its toxicity.

We aimed to inform you, dear blog readers, on the plants that should be present in Scandinavian interior design. Minimalist moves, that is, surrounding yourself primarily with things that provide a sense of tranquility, might help you be happy in your daily life in Scandi home. When you clear clutter from your surroundings, you help yourself achieve the same in your mind. Minimalism also helps us in avoiding materialism. You can concentrate on people and events without becoming overwhelmed. While Scandinavian design surrounds you with the sense of peace, these plants will contribute to the same situation. I hope these one-of-a-kind plants give some color to your life and living environment.

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